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July 05, 2023 4 min read
Whether you’re a kid who is getting ready to start a long soccer career throughout your school years and beyond, or you’re an adult signing up for your local league to have some fun and stay fit, there’s one thing that tends to bother everyone; going to that first practice is a bit overwhelming.
You’ve never really played before, you don’t know how the other people involved are going to be, and you probably don’t even know what all you’re supposed to bring.
Well, the first two problems are things you’re just going to have to suck it up and go through until you do it and realize it was no big deal. However, the equipment issue can be a major problem that excludes you from practice or makes your first impression of the sport a negative one.
So, we’re going to go over the soccer equipment list that a newbie needs to bring to their first practice to make sure you’re ready to go and stand the best chance at falling in love with the sport. We’re assuming you already handled all the sign-up stuff and paperwork. So, we’re diving right into building up your practice bag. We’ll even give some pointers for first-time coaches.
Let’s get right into it!
First and foremost, you’re going to need your own ball. During practice, you’re not just playing games against your teammates. You’ll be learning the basics, running drills, and getting some solo time in with the ball, as well.
The coach probably doesn’t have a ton of branded soccer balls to just hand out to every player. You need to bring your own.
Make sure you get a regulation-quality ball. You don’t want to practice on a ball that’s improperly sized or poorly made, because it’ll feel foreign when you start working with a genuine ball. Don’t skimp out on this one.
The next most important item is a pair of soccer cleats. Now, this can get complicated. Not all cleats work for all play areas. There are firm ground cleats, indoor cleats, and artificial turf cleats. Indoor cleats aren’t too common unless you’re talking about an indoor soccer establishment. Either way, you need to know what type of surface your practice is held on.
If you wear firm ground cleats and tear up your team’s artificial turf, you won’t make a great impression on your coach, the team, or the establishment hosting your practice. If you wear artificial or indoor cleats on an open natural field, you’ll be sliding everywhere.
When you sign up, learn what type of cleats you need, and then try to buy the best pair you can afford. You can even buy dual-surface cleats in case you want to practice at home and take the same pair of shoes to the artificial turf you practice on with your team and vice-versa.
Also, while cleats tend to be a little more expensive than your average pair of tennis shoes, don’t try to buy cleats that are a size larger just so you can wear them longer.
This is especially true when buying shoes for children. That poses a safety risk, and you’ll be out of the game due to injury in no time.
Semi-affordable options, such as some Puma soccer cleats, can be a phenomenal choice that can provide you with stability and quality without breaking the bank!
Team uniforms are typically ordered through the team, and practice pinnies are usually provided by the coach as “loaners”. So, until it’s time to purchase uniforms, you will likely only need to wear appropriate clothing, as highlighted by the organizer you signed up through.
At first, this usually consists of ball shorts and a tee shirt or similar comfortable top that you can easily slip a practice pinnie over.
Just make sure you read what your team requires you to wear to practice and follow the guidelines closely. You’ll likely need to remove all jewelry, hair accessories, etc.
This is one a lot of people miss out on but don’t forget to pack some basic necessities for after practice. You’re going to smell ripe by the time you get done with all your drills, conditioning exercises, and practice plays.
Some deodorant is a bare minimum choice, but if your organization has showers available, you might as well throw a fresh set of clothes and some travel-sized toiletries into your practice bag. You can freshen up and hop in your car for the home trip without stinking the whole place up. Also, it helps relax your muscles a bit after an intense workout, and it feels great.
Pretty much any decent team is going to have some sort of water or electrolyte drink supply nearby at all times. Whether that’s a water fountain or a big team-sized cooler full of Gatorade. However, you still need to bring your own water bottle.
Being able to keep it on the sidelines for when you’re not actively in the rotation is key, and if your organization doesn’t supply fluids, you can put yourself in a dangerous spot by not drinking anything until you get home.
The final item on our soccer equipment list for newbies is the most important part of your “equipment” checklist, you need to bring a good attitude along. It’s your first practice, and if you haven’t kept in excellent shape, you’re likely going to start noticing some of your physical shortcomings very quickly.
You’re also going to be in a strange environment with people you don’t know, and that can make you a bit anxious.
Don’t let those things deter you from having a good time. Get out there, have fun, and give it your best shot.
First, if you’re a first-time coach, you’ll also want to add extra balls, disc cones, a ball pump, a first aid kid, and some source of drinkable fluids to your list of must-have items.
Practice pinnies are also key unless the organization you’re with provides them, and you might need practice goals depending on if you have an equipped field or not.