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  • adidas Copa

  • Apparel
  • Equipment
  • Soccer Balls

  • Licensed Gear
  • July 20, 2022 3 min read

    Although we can all agree that the soccer ball is round, it is also fair to say that not all balls are the same and with differing quality being found across either different levels of competitions or age groups, it can also be difficult to know which type is the right one for you to use.

    Because although the shape never the differs, the size certainly does and with Size 1 being the class of the smallest on offer and Size 5 being those that you see either in attendance or on your television, this is just one form of variance.

    While the ball can also differ through its weight and the materials that are used in its construction, as some will be heavier than others and some will be far more durable than the ones that only cost a handful of dollars.

    Which means with plenty of variations to consider, we are going to highlight the different types of soccer balls that are in use today.


    The professional ball is the gold standard when it comes to competitive soccer and with this type being used in FIFA-approved competitions, the likes of Kylian Mbappe and Mohamed Salah will be slotting these past opposition goalkeepers on a regular basis.

    While the reason that this ball is considered the gold standard, is because of the ability to resist more surface water and also retain more of the air which is inside it, something which leads to a higher level of all-round performance than other ball types.

    Which means these professional balls are far truer than any other version on the market today and this leads to far greater shot accuracy, movement, and ease of control for the very best players in world soccer.

    College Ball - NCAA | NAIA | NJCAA

    A college soccer ball will not be all that far removed from its professional equivalent and although to the naked eye it may be incredibly difficult to spot what changes have been made, the changes themselves come in the way of a differing fabrication.

    Due to the fact that is shares many similar attributes to the professional soccer ball, there will not be a great difference in terms pf price and although it will be less than any FIFA-approved offering, it will still cost more than any training balls on offers.

    This is because they are still crafted with high-quality materials and the construction methods are also the kind that you would find in the making of professional balls. Which means with it being designed to suit all levels of play, it always proves to be a rather popular choice.

    Training Ball

    The purpose of the training ball is for it to be not only long-lasting but extremely durable at the same time and the way these two factors are achieved, is by using far tougher materials than in the two examples above.

    While because it is a type which is longer lasting than either the professional or college ball, it is also far heavier and harder than its two counterparts and this means an element of quality must also be sacrificed at the same time.

    The reason that these balls last longer is because of its composition, one which is both stiff and thick at the same time and this means it is an ideal ball for those players who are looking to improve their current skillset.

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